Have you ever put together a mix and felt it sounds very “dry” or that there’s no real sense of space of feeling to it? Sure, you’ve added some reverb and delay here and there but it’s still not quite cutting it. I know what that’s like and I know what can help. Delay is… [Read More] 5 easy tips for using delay in music
How to make a beat without drum samples
You don’t need drum samples to make a beat. I REPEAT… you don’t need drum samples to make a beat! I know you might be envious of other producers with their endless amounts of samples and VSTs but you really don’t need any of that to make a great beat. To make a great beat,… [Read More] How to make a beat without drum samples
3 ways to make your music stand out
We all want our music to stand out from the crowd and for it to be noticed. It’s a natural, human response to putting creative work out into the world. But why is it that some music is more appealing to the masses than others? Why does Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape of You’ have over 2.4… [Read More] 3 ways to make your music stand out
6 reverb tricks that always work
Reverb is one of the most important tools a mixer/producer can use when it comes to making great music. Yet, it’s very often abused and misused. In the wrong hands, reverb can create more damage than good. I’ve already written about that here and I highly recommend you check it out. With that said, it’s a… [Read More] 6 reverb tricks that always work
How to rename your tracks FAST!
The session prep and admin side of music production can be a drag. Not only that, but it can really eat into your creative time. I’ve made a new video to demonstrate how you can save time when it comes to labelling and renaming your tracks. That way, you can spend much more of your… [Read More] How to rename your tracks FAST!
Stephen’s Selects #22: February 24th – March 1st
This is week 22 of Stephen’s Selects! It’s an eclectic mix of closing eyes, psychos and waves of hope! I’m on a big contrast kick at the moment. I feel like my ears are constantly seeking out the light and shade in music. It’s always there, whether intentional or not, and it helps to keep… [Read More] Stephen’s Selects #22: February 24th – March 1st