I’m seeing a lot of ‘My Top 3 (Bass/Guitar/Drums/Mix Buss) Plugins’ videos around at the moment. The concept behind those videos is valuable but the execution is sometimes not as valuable. They can create plugin envy and create a desire in you to go out and buy the plugin you see in the video. Ever… [Read More] Plugins are the cherry on top
Why minimalism will help your production skills
I remember when Kanye West’s ‘Yeezus’ was released. I wasn’t all that sure what had happened. It was very different, confusing and I wasn’t sure if it was me or Kanye that had lost their minds! Myself and another engineer listened to a few of the tracks together in the studio and I remember saying:… [Read More] Why minimalism will help your production skills
How to produce music with Xpand!2 (Part 4 – Lead Synths)
Part one of this series showed you how to make a nice modern drum beat with Xpand!2. Part two helped you create some nice chord and pad sounds to develop a nice sense of harmony in your production. Part three was all about producing bass sounds that compliment and cut through the mix. This video… [Read More] How to produce music with Xpand!2 (Part 4 – Lead Synths)
How to produce music with Xpand!2 (Part 3 – Bass)
Part one of this series showed you how to make a nice modern drum beat with Xpand!2. Part two helped you create some nice chord and pad sounds to develop a nice sense of harmony in your production. This video is all about how to produce some really nice bass sounds that compliment your music.… [Read More] How to produce music with Xpand!2 (Part 3 – Bass)
How to produce music with Xpand!2 (Part 2 – Chords & Pads)
In part one of this series, I showed you how to make a nice modern drum beat with Xpand!2. The idea behind this video series is to show you how you can create great sounds with either stock or free virtual instruments. Almost every DAW comes with an inbuilt VST instrument that you can use… [Read More] How to produce music with Xpand!2 (Part 2 – Chords & Pads)
How to produce music with Xpand!2 (Part 1 – Drums)
Do you ever get frustrated that you don’t own the virtual instruments that you know will make the ultimate difference to your music production? I understand your frustration but I’m also here to let you know that you don’t need premium plugins or virtual instruments to create great music. Almost every DAW these days comes… [Read More] How to produce music with Xpand!2 (Part 1 – Drums)