Are you wondering how you’re going to create or develop your audio career in 2020 and beyond? And yes, that includes part time work and audio or music as a hobby. Well in this video, I’m going to give you the inside track on the 5 steps you must take. Those 5 steps will allow… [Read More] An audio career in 2020 and beyond: the 5 steps you must take
Audio Career
There’s more audio work out there for you than ever before…
I rarely get to talk about my work these days. I’ve signed so many NDA’s (Non-Disclosure Agreement) that I can’t even remember anymore. Signing those documents for the protection of each project makes complete sense but also prevents from me being able to talk about any of the projects I work on until they’re either… [Read More] There’s more audio work out there for you than ever before…
The biggest mistake most people make in their audio career…
You’re reading this because you’re passionate about sound. You might be a musician but you have an appreciation for anything that sounds good – movies, games, tv shows etc. Our individual goals are probably quite different but what we do have in common is that we want to express ourselves through music or audio in… [Read More] The biggest mistake most people make in their audio career…